Monday, January 28, 2008


More than any other movie of recent memory, Cloverfield has become an internet sensation. I've been following and anticipating this one for a while, and last night my Brother and I went to check it out.

It was cool. The movie starts slowly by introducing a bunch of people who I had no sympathy for. I was happy when the monster finally attacked and the action got underway. The tension of the First person perspective in the midst of a giant monster attack was well played out. I really liked how they didn't show too much of the monster(s), which also gave the movie a scary edge reminiscent of the first Alien movie. In that way, I think that this film was able to be a bit more interesting than any of the “Big Monster” film we have had in the past while

By the end, I found the characters a bit more appealing. In retrospect, though I think that the lack of likable characters ended up being one of the things that helped the movie rise above the standard “Man in a Suit” B-Movie expectations. I'll try to explain....

Any movie that is about an attack on NYC by almost anything in this day and age is bound to reference 9-11 to us. The imagery is burned in for all of us. In that respect, Cloverfield is blatantly obvious. Panicked citizens watch helplessly from the top of a building as explosions are seen in the distance, then react with horror as one of the City's monuments is defaced. Burning paper rains form the sky, and buildings collapse sending clouds of smoke down the streets, blocking out the light and covering everyone in ash and dirt.

Not so obvious is the effect on the characters. In the beginning of the film we are introduced to a group of self absorbed young professionals and wannabe actors who do little to gain our sympathy. Rob is going to Japan for some big job, and he treats Beth like shit. So what right. It Happens. Marlena can't be bothered to look up from texting on her cell phone to acknowledge the cameraman known as Hud and offer even the slightest good wishes to the departing Rob. All in all they come across as self absorbed, self centred, spoiled brats.

But, once the Monster attacks they begin to move together with an unspoken pact. Selflessly throwing themselves into harms way to help the people they barely acknowledged at the beginning of the film. In bad times, even they were able to step up. Much like what happened in New York in 2001. It's this change in people that in the end had Cloverfield sticking around in my head a bit longer then it might have otherwise. I went in expecting a Monster to attack and break shit. Gladly, I got a bit more. Gladly, the monster also busted enough shit to make it fun, and the perspective of watching it from the ground, while it was happening was a fun twist.

I'm not sure that I will ever want to watch this movie again, as the gimmick and the freshness of the perspective is what makes it so intense. I'm actually quite surprised that I am still thinking about the film, and, that this is the first film I have blogged.

Man this Blog is getting weird on me...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Because I suck at keeping one blog....

.. I figured, hey, a second one is a GREAT idea!

So here is my site devoted to the upcoming appearance of our Child, hereafter referred to as “The Mango”.

Waiting for the Mango

I hope to keep this space updated with the other goings on in here in the control room of what will soon me Mango Central, but, I have learned already that even when you are just EXPECTING a child, the little thing has a tendency to take over. All good by me.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Is my Mango a boy?

CG has her second ultrasound scheduled for one week from now. This brings us to yet another of the interesting decisions we need to make. Do we want to know the sex of the child? There are some family members (not pointing any fingers DAD!!) who want to leave it as a “surprise”. There are some who want us to find out so that they can purchase the appropriately coloured clothes.

Now, CG and I both tend to like to think of ourselves as rational people, who like to think things through. I work as a Planner, so for me, looking ahead and coming up with solutions is just my day to day. Knowing the sex of the child in advance would help us to figure out names, and that kind of stuff. I’m not to concerned about the colours, however, if we have a boy, there is NO WAY I want my son is wearing pink! Call it old fashioned, sexist, narrow minded or whatever you will. I don’t care.

For her part, CG just doesn’t do “waiting” very well, especially around Christmas when the sight of wrapped presents sends her into fits of anticipation. What’s funny is that her excitement comes from keeping the secret of the gifts she is giving. She doesn’t keep secrets very well at all. So, if CG learns the sex than everyone will. CG is leaning towards finding the sex, and I guess I am as well.

In the end, we will find out anyway, but I think we are both just a bit too curious to leave it until after the labour, when the person taking the pictures knows.

In other news, I am listening to Serena Ryder. Came highly recommended from a former co-worker. I like.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

90 Years Young...

Today, my wife and I attended a Birthday brunch for my wife’s grandmother. She will be 90 years old on Tuesday. 90!!!!!! Man, if I can make it to half that age and still be as healthy as her I’ll be happy. She’s a remarkable woman for her age. Still walking on her own (albeit with a cane) and with most of her mental faculties intact. Sure, she forgets names and confuses stories sometimes, but for 90 she is still OK. We went out for a Chinese buffet, as that was what she wanted to do. She ate one heck of a meal and topped it off with coffee and cake.

The first thing she said to the wife and I when we walked in was “Hey, hurry up and make me a Great Grandmother would ya!” Gotta love the lady. Back in the day I am sure they would have called her e firecracker, and that would still describe her today. It struck me that sitting at that table there were 9 decades between the oldest member and the yet unborn little Mango. That’s a lot of time and I found myself looking forward to having the Great Grandma and baby together in a mere 5 months or so.

Right now I am listening to Hendrix’s Band of Gypsies. New Years eve 1969 live recording and for my money his best live stuff. Something about the guitar sound on that record, paired with a solid, steady and un-flashy rhythm section that really makes the guitar stand out. I always liked how when Jimi played, it was like you could “hear” the wood singing. Maybe it’s a guitarist thing…

Saturday, January 05, 2008

2 for one special!

This is my second post today. That is 50% of last year’s output already and I am only 5 days into the year.

I’ve played around with the look of this page. The picture in the header is of me in Calabria, which is my parent’s region of Italy. Had they not moved to Canada I would be calling it Home. I remember sitting on that wall like it was yesterday and thinking that somehow, being there felt right.

I’m looking for a direction for this blog. A reason to keep typing. So I might play with the look some more.

I think I want to use this as a way to document what is going on with CG and I was we anticipate our first child. To me, this is the most significant thing going on right now. I just don’t want this to start sounding like an episode of Oprah where we all hear about the “Miracle” of being a parent. Not that it’s not, but, when you aren’t in the middle of it, then it is more just the way things are for someone else than a miracle.

Anyway, CG’s Baby belly I growing. According to the books she is reading, the Baby is the size of a Mango right now. So, for the past couple of days I have been referring to the baby as “Mango”. I always hate it when people refer to their unborn children as “IT” (Sounds like a Stephen King novel) so I have been giving the child different descriptors on a pretty much weekly basis. I’ve used Zygote, Peanut, THE Baby… just trying to avoid “IT”.

In other news… I am listening to Queen’s “under pressure” almost incessantly since seeing the stage show “We Will Rock You” a couple of weeks ago. If Mango is listening, I hope He/She comes out sounding more like Bowie than Mercury…

How’s that for a Rambling Project!

At Vacation's End

I have been on vacation since dec 20th. Returning to work on Monday will be difficult. My dad always used to say that the best part of any vacation was the anticipation, as they always end too soon. I still prefer being in the midst of one. I really hate how short vacations always seem in retrospect. I think that the next time I take any substantial vacation time will be when we have the baby in June, so for the time being I will try to enjoy these last few moments of time off.

I can’t say that I have done much sine the 20th. I’ve celebrated Christmas on three separate occasions. Makes it tiring to have celebrations on the 23rd, 25th and 26th of December, but, what better way to have fun than share food and drink with family. My New Years tend to be quiet affairs and CG and I spent it watching movies with my Brother. While it may sound boring, I think it’s a great way to flip a calendar page. Especially when it includes the Bourne Ultimatum!!