Saturday, November 05, 2005

Saturday Thoughts

So its Saturday and a usually busy weekend.

Mother-in-Laws B-day so we have the usual B-day dinner to attend with the Wife, Family friends and Mom's new boyfriend.

This afternoon I am meeting an old friend for a cup of coffee. Him and I have been good friends since the 7th grade, with a respite in between when we attended different Hih schools. We hooked up again in our first year of University and have been close since. THat would put us at somwehere in the neighborhood of 20 years of friendship! Hadn't done that math before and suddenly I feel very old..
we keep in touch via almost daily e-mails and try to hook up when possible. It gets harder as life changes though. He is married and has a 3 year old little cutie of a daughter. Me, well somehow alll my time just disappears.

He is a bit concerned as of late. He has had a persistent twich in one of his eyes or 2 years now. The doctors told him it was stress and as he was under a great deal of stress 2 years ago (work stuff) it puts the time right. But, after 2 years with no improvement his doc is now telling him htat he may have had a mild stroke and is sending him for a battery of tests. Needless to say, having a family of his own he is concerned. As am I. I can't imagine getting that news at our age. Strokes are something that happens to Old people. Real old people. Not us old people in training who are approaching mid-life. My thoughts are that they will find another culprit fo rthe twitch and that the doc is jsut tryingto cover all the bases. But, why tell him that. Tell him that you are testing for some sort of nerve damage. Say its stress related. You tell a 34 year father that he may have had a stroke and you might as well give him one. People don't need that kind of stress form health care professionals. Especially when its just a theory! I maen, at this moment he is probably thinking "OH my god! What if I ahve another one and can't work to provide for my babby". Who needs that kind of stress!

The doc has given him other alternatives of what may be causing it, but, like anyone he is focused on the stroke part of the conversation. BAH! no-one wants a doctor to lie to them, but at the same time, why give them the worst case scenario off the top! I've dealt with my fair share of doctors in my life as my family has gone through many serious illnesses. When will they star to teach doctors a little bit of respect for people's feelings.

Anyway. I guess my job is to be there for him and listen to his concerns. He goes for a c-t scan on monday.

I was up prety late last night playing City of Heroes with the Floridian Gang and a fellow Canuck. What I had intended as a short game turned into quite the session.

Today I am listening to Radio-head's OK Computer. Mainly because the 5 disc had that in it. Its one of those records that I can put on at anytime and just get engrossed in. Beautiful. A true top 10 all timer for me.

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