Thursday, December 08, 2005

Of Guns and Men

The PM of Canada has just announced plans to make handguns illegal.

Its fine by me. A hundgun in a populous society has no other use than ot shoot another person. I like seeing that tighter controls are coming into place... Hopefully.

People talk about how this may infringe on our liberties here. I say that when sonething in created and has the power to kill others then giving up some "liberty" is a wise trade off. I am proud to live in a nation where we are free to do almost anything we would like. At the same time I am willing to live with restrictions if it is in the interest of public safety.

What concerns me more is that in the the course of a murder investigation recently, Toronto police canvassed and searched peopple homes with no reason to. While the perpetrator of such a heinous act needs to be found, I can't abide with searching people's homes with no good reason as to them being suspect to a crime. To me, his is a grave injustice, while limititng the proliferation of dangerous weapons should be applauded.

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