Thursday, February 14, 2008

What a crock..

CG and I don't play the valentines game. So to all you guys out there bending over backwards to try and impress your gal.... “HaHa!”

Since we started dating, Heather and I have never celebrated Valentines day. I've participated for girlfriends in the past and if she was really into it I could also find it in me to take part. But, I'm happy that CG is grounded enough not to want to go through with the charade. Her feeling is that its a contrived day, put together by greeting card companies to get them through the dry months. Of course she is right. But, that doesn't stop most people from believing that its a holiday. I guess that I can understand. Everyone likes special days. And everyone wants to feel loved. Our take is that we should be showing our love for each other everyday and not when some retail council tells us we are due (see the “Love Day” episode of the Simpsons). So let me take this opportunity to tell my wife how much I love her, in a totally non-contrived, non-greeting card, non retail way. I Love you more because you don't expect me to prove it with an expensive gift or dinner, and you love me for who I am.... not WHAT I BUY you

The office where I work is mainly staffed by females. Lets call it “Estrogen Inc.” At Estrogen Inc., valentines day is a big deal. All the ladies talk about the special treatment that they expect to get from their significant others. Invariably, someone goes looking for the few male perspectives in the office, and asks me how I am going to Lavish my wife today. And, I like seeing their shocked reactions when I tell them that we don't do Valentines day. They think that I am making up the fact that it is my wife that doesn't want to do it, and that I'm just lazy. For her part, CG always tells me that she could come into the office and lecture the women on why Valentines is bogus. I fear that at Estrogen Inc. It would fall on deaf ears...

1 comment:

Canuck Girl said...

personally, I think you raise the bar and that other men should aspire to be like you. You show me I'm special and show me I'm loved every day of the you don't need to try and use one day to make up for the rest.