Monday, February 11, 2008

Sweeny Todd

Ok, so my reviews are never quite up-to-date or necessarily of the current movies out there. Sometimes it takes me a while to get out to see stuff. But, i like getting my thoughts about movies down.

Seeing as the past weekend was CG's Birthday, we took the opportunity to take in some dinner and a movie. CG and I don't make it out to movies as often as I would like, and I am sure that it will only get more difficult once thje Mango arrives. After a quick perusal of what was playing, we both agreed on Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

CG spent some time working in theatre and was familiar with the story. I had an idea of the broad strokes of the story, but was unprepared for the darkness. I was expecting something of a macabre tale along the lines of what Tim Burton had done for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Instead, the story was a dark, twisted tale about a man's lust for revenge so strong that it takes him to the point of killing innocent people to quench his thirst for blood. WOW! Do I know how to show my girl a good time on her birthday or WHAT! Most men would be having to put up with a Romantic comedy of some sort. Just another reason that CG makes me feel so lucky every day.

Sweeney Todd is a great messed up tale. Any musical about a serial killer is bound to be a bit strange and twisted. Thankfully, Tim Burton's style is perfectly suited to this dark and twisted story. Watching Johnny Depp brood through the movie was fun, and Helena Bonham Carter is so well suited to playing the messed up Vamp (as she has so many times ) that even though she has been there before, its still a treat to take the journey. Alan Rickman is pure evil, so there is no question that he grabs your attention as the Evil Judge.

All in all I was surprised by the blood and gore in the movie as well. I think that this movie gave Kill Bill a run for Arterial Spray volume, although the latter still holds the crown for sheer volume of bloodshed.

Crazy stuff man. Me like.

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