Monday, February 18, 2008

The Times They are a Changin'

First things first.
If you are in some place that gets WAAAAY more snow than we do in Toronto, yes, i know we are spoiled. That is the point of this post! Sorry to start out on the defensive, but, anytime i complain to people from other parts of Canada, I feel the need to defend my hatred of snow. For the record, let me say that it is mainly due to the already horrific GTA traffic conditions, and the chaos that ensues with snow.


Here in the GTA, we have had a much tougher winter than normal. It seems to snow every few days and the general consensus is that we are tired of it. Int he past few years we have had it easy here. At no time in th past 5 years did i regret not having snow tires. This year, though... I kinda miss them. We have gotten more snow in February of this year, than we did all of last year.

I remember as a kid growing up that we used to get much more snow. Maybe my memory is coulded by the ipassage of years. Maybe I am only remembering the snowdays of my youth, but, even the family picture albums seem to support this. When I was young my father used to make a skating rink for us in the back-yard. It was an annual tradition. Over the past 10 years we have had very few winters where we could sustain a backyard skating rink.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

What a crock..

CG and I don't play the valentines game. So to all you guys out there bending over backwards to try and impress your gal.... “HaHa!”

Since we started dating, Heather and I have never celebrated Valentines day. I've participated for girlfriends in the past and if she was really into it I could also find it in me to take part. But, I'm happy that CG is grounded enough not to want to go through with the charade. Her feeling is that its a contrived day, put together by greeting card companies to get them through the dry months. Of course she is right. But, that doesn't stop most people from believing that its a holiday. I guess that I can understand. Everyone likes special days. And everyone wants to feel loved. Our take is that we should be showing our love for each other everyday and not when some retail council tells us we are due (see the “Love Day” episode of the Simpsons). So let me take this opportunity to tell my wife how much I love her, in a totally non-contrived, non-greeting card, non retail way. I Love you more because you don't expect me to prove it with an expensive gift or dinner, and you love me for who I am.... not WHAT I BUY you

The office where I work is mainly staffed by females. Lets call it “Estrogen Inc.” At Estrogen Inc., valentines day is a big deal. All the ladies talk about the special treatment that they expect to get from their significant others. Invariably, someone goes looking for the few male perspectives in the office, and asks me how I am going to Lavish my wife today. And, I like seeing their shocked reactions when I tell them that we don't do Valentines day. They think that I am making up the fact that it is my wife that doesn't want to do it, and that I'm just lazy. For her part, CG always tells me that she could come into the office and lecture the women on why Valentines is bogus. I fear that at Estrogen Inc. It would fall on deaf ears...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Sweeny Todd

Ok, so my reviews are never quite up-to-date or necessarily of the current movies out there. Sometimes it takes me a while to get out to see stuff. But, i like getting my thoughts about movies down.

Seeing as the past weekend was CG's Birthday, we took the opportunity to take in some dinner and a movie. CG and I don't make it out to movies as often as I would like, and I am sure that it will only get more difficult once thje Mango arrives. After a quick perusal of what was playing, we both agreed on Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street.

CG spent some time working in theatre and was familiar with the story. I had an idea of the broad strokes of the story, but was unprepared for the darkness. I was expecting something of a macabre tale along the lines of what Tim Burton had done for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Instead, the story was a dark, twisted tale about a man's lust for revenge so strong that it takes him to the point of killing innocent people to quench his thirst for blood. WOW! Do I know how to show my girl a good time on her birthday or WHAT! Most men would be having to put up with a Romantic comedy of some sort. Just another reason that CG makes me feel so lucky every day.

Sweeney Todd is a great messed up tale. Any musical about a serial killer is bound to be a bit strange and twisted. Thankfully, Tim Burton's style is perfectly suited to this dark and twisted story. Watching Johnny Depp brood through the movie was fun, and Helena Bonham Carter is so well suited to playing the messed up Vamp (as she has so many times ) that even though she has been there before, its still a treat to take the journey. Alan Rickman is pure evil, so there is no question that he grabs your attention as the Evil Judge.

All in all I was surprised by the blood and gore in the movie as well. I think that this movie gave Kill Bill a run for Arterial Spray volume, although the latter still holds the crown for sheer volume of bloodshed.

Crazy stuff man. Me like.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

A much needed movie break..

3:10 To Yuma

After a long day of dealing with crappy weather, Traffic and work CG and I sat down in front of the TV to watch a movie, while eating Pasta. No better way to spend a night if you ask me.

A great western is a joy to watch. You can expect (with the better ones) scenes of natural splendour. Some great action set pieces. Heroes that you can depend on to defend the moral high ground, and a suitably evil villain who you can't help but admire as they embody the freedom of the frontier. As a genre, westerns have come and gone. Every few years someone comes along and revitalizes them enough so that you have a reason to watch again. Sergio Leone did the archetype so well, that you have to shake it up a bit to make it relevant.

3:10 casts the hero as a broken man. Not looking to defend the weak, or fight for what is right, but, merely to be able to ensure his family's most basic survival with only one foot left to stand on. A small rancher on a drought plagued farm, with an evil land baron dogging his attempts at basic subsistence. He is pitted against a man who is so rotten to the core who believes all men have their price, and to whom killing is just a part of business... unless of course he just wants to enjoy it. In the end, our hero learns to stand tall again (for the first time) and earns the most important thing that he has needed... the respect of his son and of all those around him.

Its a great film, and presents some intriguing ideas about what respect really is, and where it lies in all men.

Thats' my read anyway. Some people may dig it for the gunfights and horses... that's cool too.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Giving up the Batcave...

I knew the time would come some day.

My Batcave will soon have a changing table...

The expectation of the Mango has forced CG and I to look the available space in our house and try to figure out where to put the kid's room. CG and I have been living in a 3 bedroom home for close to 5 years now, and as such have each enjoys our own personal space. We have used the spare bedrooms as personal offices, giving both of us a needed refuge, and personal space. I've unfortunately probably spent more time in my office space than any other room in the house. I love my space. But, the Mango needs a room and it looks like it will me my office.

We plan on moving our PC's into the basement area, which is at least finished, carpeted and comfortable, and using CG's office as a true Guest room. CG has started the process of clearing out her space this weekend. Soon, I will need to sift through the stacks of CD's, computer parts and various other nic-nacks, leaving only the essential stuff that I can move to the basement. It may not look like much in pictures, but, its mine.

Enjoy little Mango. You are probably the only person on the planet that I would gladly offer my space to.
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Monday, January 28, 2008


More than any other movie of recent memory, Cloverfield has become an internet sensation. I've been following and anticipating this one for a while, and last night my Brother and I went to check it out.

It was cool. The movie starts slowly by introducing a bunch of people who I had no sympathy for. I was happy when the monster finally attacked and the action got underway. The tension of the First person perspective in the midst of a giant monster attack was well played out. I really liked how they didn't show too much of the monster(s), which also gave the movie a scary edge reminiscent of the first Alien movie. In that way, I think that this film was able to be a bit more interesting than any of the “Big Monster” film we have had in the past while

By the end, I found the characters a bit more appealing. In retrospect, though I think that the lack of likable characters ended up being one of the things that helped the movie rise above the standard “Man in a Suit” B-Movie expectations. I'll try to explain....

Any movie that is about an attack on NYC by almost anything in this day and age is bound to reference 9-11 to us. The imagery is burned in for all of us. In that respect, Cloverfield is blatantly obvious. Panicked citizens watch helplessly from the top of a building as explosions are seen in the distance, then react with horror as one of the City's monuments is defaced. Burning paper rains form the sky, and buildings collapse sending clouds of smoke down the streets, blocking out the light and covering everyone in ash and dirt.

Not so obvious is the effect on the characters. In the beginning of the film we are introduced to a group of self absorbed young professionals and wannabe actors who do little to gain our sympathy. Rob is going to Japan for some big job, and he treats Beth like shit. So what right. It Happens. Marlena can't be bothered to look up from texting on her cell phone to acknowledge the cameraman known as Hud and offer even the slightest good wishes to the departing Rob. All in all they come across as self absorbed, self centred, spoiled brats.

But, once the Monster attacks they begin to move together with an unspoken pact. Selflessly throwing themselves into harms way to help the people they barely acknowledged at the beginning of the film. In bad times, even they were able to step up. Much like what happened in New York in 2001. It's this change in people that in the end had Cloverfield sticking around in my head a bit longer then it might have otherwise. I went in expecting a Monster to attack and break shit. Gladly, I got a bit more. Gladly, the monster also busted enough shit to make it fun, and the perspective of watching it from the ground, while it was happening was a fun twist.

I'm not sure that I will ever want to watch this movie again, as the gimmick and the freshness of the perspective is what makes it so intense. I'm actually quite surprised that I am still thinking about the film, and, that this is the first film I have blogged.

Man this Blog is getting weird on me...

Monday, January 21, 2008

Because I suck at keeping one blog....

.. I figured, hey, a second one is a GREAT idea!

So here is my site devoted to the upcoming appearance of our Child, hereafter referred to as “The Mango”.

Waiting for the Mango

I hope to keep this space updated with the other goings on in here in the control room of what will soon me Mango Central, but, I have learned already that even when you are just EXPECTING a child, the little thing has a tendency to take over. All good by me.