Sunday, January 08, 2006

The last days of 2005!

So I haven’t posted in a while… Did I mention that I suck at doing stuff like this?

So, what have I been doing since December 19th?

· Last minute xmas shopping… right up to the 24th when I picked up City of Villians for Wifey at Best buy for 59.99!
· Xmas dinners. Both on xmas day and boxing day. Too much food and a week of recovery time. ‘Nuff said
· 27th. Found City of Villains at EB games for 19.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bought 2 copies. One to replace more expensive version and one for me.
· 27th. Rearranged Dad’s basement to accommodate the new Treadmill we picked up for him on the 20th. Its also his workshop from where he runs his business. Heavy machinery to move as well.
· 28th and 29th. I caught a cold. Still went I to the office and was one only 5 people on my floor, so I sat around working alone and miserable
· 30th. I had a cold. I read a Star Wars EU novel called Dark Lord I got for xmas and REALLY enjoyed it, even though I find most other Star wars EU to be boring. For me, Star Wars is 50% visual, 45% Music and 5% story. So, when I enjoy just reading a Star Wars novel it is rare. I’ve read very few as a result
· 31st. New Years. The wife does not do New Years. Its Understandable as it is the anniversary of a terrible car accident she was involved where she lost someone special to here, and was lucky to escape with her life. We try to keep New Years quiet. As we have done for the past 2 years, my brother comes over and we watch movies and consume Pizza. (A good night ANY time in my books) This year we watched old episodes of Magnum PI (oh-yeah) and the Breakfast Club. Magnum has held up surprisingly well. I found the B>C fun, but, as I am not 15, the teen angst was a bit much for me. In some ways it made it more of a comedy to me, although, when I first saw it so many years ago I remember thinking how it totally nailed us teens. Anyway, it is a good memory film for me. Then we got sucked in fight Club which was playing on regular TV.
· Pepper the 24th – 31st with Some City of Heroes and Villians game time and that is how I spent the last part of 2005.

Not the most terribly exciting cap to the year is it?

I will try to recap the first part of the New Year soon!

I am listening to DJ Cheb I Sabbah. Indian / Dance fusion. The only artist that has really made this sound 100% natural without a hint of gimmick!

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